hostgator promos hostgator coupon EastOfKeystone & Beyond : 465/Keystone Update

Saturday, July 23, 2011

465/Keystone Update

Going underneath the interstate these days feels a little like all of the drivers have gotten directions from the old Johnny Carson character Art Fern.  While you can move more efficiently under the freeway, the danger level is still substantial. Whatever you do, as Art out for your slausson.  Someday when they have the overhead signage up drivers will have some advance warning of where to position themselves instead of the flashing board which moves at Jurasic speed and doesn't give you what you need until you're past it, of course.  Oh..and those little 465 directional signs on the ground near the interestate? Completely useless if you're behind an SUV or a truck of any kind.  Bottom line....still too many drivers cutting across three lanes of traffic at the last minute putting everyone in jeopardy.  If you have to go....go VERY carefully. 


MikeyD said...

...and, when you come to the Slaussen Cutoff, get out of the car and cut off your Slaussen!

John Cinnamon said...

Perhaps drivers would pay more attention if Carol Wayne was holding up the directional signs.

Greg Cooper said...

I certainly would.