we're just naive. We have been surprised to hear so many people
against the previously proposed city ordinance requiring residents to 'opt in' to a city wide trash removal service. As it stands now Carmel citizens can opt out thanks to an alteration to the legislation by City Councilman Eric Sindensticker who feels that residents can get a better price by simply negotiating our own waste removal deal. We don't agree. One person rarely has the power to negotiate better than 10. Economic clout prevails in numbers, not in standing alone. It's unlikely that Republic will honor it's bid if people are allowed to and do opt out of this service. Then, instead of us paying Republic $9.33 a month for city wide service, we can go back to paying them $12 per month for the same service less recycling. So much for the power of one. We'd like to know what you think. Please take a moment and post your thoughts in the comments section below. This 'poll' may be unscientific but still gives us all food for thought.
I'm all for it. The plan gets many more household to actively recycle and is cheaper than the services currently offered from Republic and Ray's. It's a bit silly that I now have to pay an extra fee to recycle while everyone else on my block doesn't seem to want to do their part. The proposed cost of the trash service is cheaper AND includes recycling! Why are people against this?
I'm the first guy to say 'keep the man out of my life' but this is truly a no brainer. It's not health's trash removal. C'mon friends, get on board with this!
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