I must drive my neighbors crazy. Every night I have my litany of lights that are on around my home exacerbated by the decreasing hours of daylight. I'm not OCD, or even just a fan of outdoor lighting. For me it's all about peace of mind. I'm going to talk more on home security relative to the process of selling a home on Channel 13 this Sunday just after 9a.
We've all read the recent stories of home invasions in Marion County proper and in talking to several law enforcement and family members, let me tell you these are a LOT worse than what's been shared in the media. It's not all been about robbing someone. It's been about the evil behind it and the evil that's been demonstrated during the robberies. It makes one think long and hard about our own security even living up here in Disneyland. We could analyze it to death, the decay of social morals, economic hardship and the like. The causes of this don't matter. What matters is it's likely to get worse and as much as it pains me to say it, we're going to see it creep closer and closer to us. A good college friend of mine is a high up in the Indiana State Police living in Hamilton County. He agrees that we could begin seeing incidents like this in our zip codes This is NOT a criticism of our men & women in law enforcement..they simply cannot be everywhere all the time.
So what do we do? The advice that's been given to me is to decrease the odds. A security system is the first point of protection but that's not a fail safe. In 2012 we had a number of break ins in east Carmel where thieves kicked in doors of homes with security, walked in, took what they wanted and left quickly even with the alarms going off. What else can we do? At night, when the majority of incidents occur, keep your place well lit. The bad guys will bypass a home with good exterior lighting to go to one that's pitch dark any day. Make sure your security system's display sign is EXTREMELY easy to see from the street and in the rear. Perhaps most importantly if you see something that seems out of place, phone the police non emergency line at 773-1282. Let them make the call on if it's something to worry about. Some of this may sound like overkill until you read the reports of what was done to a mother, a 20 year old daughter and father in a home near 80th and College. When the weight of that sinks in, spending a few bucks on outdoor lighting seems like no sacrifice at all.
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